News recognized in 2016 WebAwards

October 27, 2016

United Technologies IOP-led site redesign was honored in the 2016 WebAwards, recognizing the best in website design and development. The site was awarded Outstanding Achievement. We are proud to have led the team, working in collaboration with DataArt and AMS. Since 1997, the Web Marketing Association’s annual WebAward Competition has been setting the standard of excellence for website development. Independent expert judges from around the world review sites in 96 industries.

Another banner year at the ARC Awards

September 8, 2016

ARC Awards 2016Our clients had another great year at the 2016 International ARC Awards, recognizing the best annual reports for 2015. Nielsen, Pfizer, TB Alliance, Stanley Black & Decker and NYU Langone were all recognized for work online and in print.  Nielsen was honored with a Grand award, for best design of an online annual report. A banner year all around.