The Next Chapter: the Evolution of Sustainability Reporting
We’ve written about maximizing your sustainability/ESG Report content, but what happens when your report becomes more regulated? Your sustainability report may contain less of your story and more lawyerly content, more like a 10-K. While this may serve the interests of regulators, analysts, and investors, the interest in an organization’s commitment to act responsibly is not shrinking. As we think about what’s next, there are some things you can do now.
Your other stakeholders—employees, customers, partners, communities where you work—will still need to understand what your organization stands for, what actions you are taking, and progress being made. How will you meet their needs?
We know what you’re thinking—one more thing? Maybe not. Use what you have already to tell the same story, just in a different way. Here are strategies to reach more stakeholders interested and invested in your sustainability commitment, beyond your reporting:
Create an evergreen strategy
Identify the most important topics for each stakeholder group and meet them where they are. Be open to nontraditional channels that your company may not have utilized before. Think about frequency of updating, some topics require an annual refresh, others may have a longer cycle.
Bring your story to the web
Sustainability sections on your organizational website, or a stand-alone microsite, have been used to amplify reports and host other legally required documents. In addition, consider creating space to feature material and storytelling that bridges the gap between the “wonks” and the rest of us. Take a digital-first approach to reporting. Help connect the stats to the impact, telling a story with data but also with humanity. Help all stakeholders understand “the why.”
Atomize content
You can “atomize” the content, breaking up the large topics into smaller, component parts. This will help streamline content amplification efforts and, perhaps, simplify updating year-over-year. Evaluate which teams use what content (for recruitment, employee engagement, customer education, etc.), and how you can provide communication support to help fulfill their needs and lighten the load of your report. This could include a focus on content that needs updating on a timeframe that differs from the annual reporting cycle.
Think about video
Stories that move can be powerful when added to sales presentations, recruiting sites, and of course social media. If taking new video is out of the budget, you can put together dynamic storytelling with still images, graphics, voiceover and music, of course.
Ideas On Purpose can help
This year strategize how you can work smarter on your reporting, not harder. For over 20 years, IOP has been helping companies of all sizes with sustainability strategy & reports, websites and communications. Email us to to discuss your next step.
Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash