Brilliant Earth
Sustainability & Mission Website
What We Did
- Creative Strategy
- Digital Strategy
- Digital Design
- Infographic Design
- Website Design
- Website Development
In parallel to developing Brilliant Earth’s Mission Report, leveraging content developed for the report, IOP designed and built an extension of the Mission section of the corporate website, seamlessly supporting current content and expanding the depth and breadth.
We worked with the company to determine how to weave together site pages to create a unified user experience while supporting the customer journey. The expanded site was developed in parallel to a corporate site update, allowing the company to simultaneously launch all pages, a seamless web experience, and new home for the report aligned with their annual earnings announcement. Results for the initial weeks since launch of the new Mission site section include: ⬇️13% decrease in bounce rate; ⬇️17% decrease in exits; and ⬆️3% increase in time spent with the additional content.
We also created PDF ‘tear sheet’ take-aways for key topics supporting the sales team and customers looking for a deeper dive while creating a home for evergreen sustainability information. The strategy of using the web to lighten the load of their sustainability report will have benefits for years to come. With excitement around functionality for different types of readers, they are thrilled with the results.
“Always working with our end goal and sharp due dates in mind, IOP brought their creative rigor, sustainability expertise, and web development skills and to our Mission report and site. The team delivered intelligent design thinking and execution that was on-brand for both the report and website. Energy, flexibility and above all partnership were constant throughout the process, and we have a report everyone is gawking at and webpages with strong results out the gate. We are proud of our accomplishments in sustainability and IOP has showcased this for us.”
— VP Sustainable Sourcing + Sustainability